Friends Of The Bluffs
Established in 2012, FOTB’s mission is to increase the enjoyment, promotion, and stewardship of Red Wing’s bluffs. Those include Barn Bluff, Sorin’s Bluff (Memorial Park), and the Billings-Tomfohr Conservation Area.
The focus of our efforts has been on sustainable improvement of the hiking trail system, management and understanding of the various invasive species that endanger the bluffs, and sharing this knowledge with the general public and our supporters. Thanks to partnerships with the City of Red Wing, Live Healthy Red Wing, Red Wing Shoe Company, X-cel Energy Company, and the Red Wing School District (sponsoring Earth Day wirk events) we have made great strides
We are now looking to expand our efforts, and need to engage the community in a new way. By partnering with organizations like Red Wing Area Mountain Bike Organization (R.A.M.B.O.), Live Healthy Red Wing, and others with similar missions, we will be able to increase the number of people and families who are being active and enjoying the great outdoors, helping restore the native prairies, and share the full history of our beautiful bluffs.
Ipsity Inc.
Established in 2002, Ipsity’s mission is to support small to medium businesses with marketing and IT services.
Ipsity has been in event marketing since 2004. Ipsity started promoting it’s first event at Welch Village, MN as part of the Minnesota Mountain Bike Series. Those bike events continue today and are still vital to the strength of brand connections. Ipsity was integral in establishing the Minneapolis Bike Tour in 2007 as a consultant for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
It is a great brand connection opportunity for companies that are expanding to get their product or service in front of potential customers. “We are honored to be partnered with FOTB and it’s mission.” We have established the logo, procured the event shirts, created all print collateral, created this website, delivered a Point Of Sale system for registration and created the awards for each event. We have a 10 year partnership with FOTB and we feel this event will become a benchmark event in the state of MN.